fell apart

can i just rant?

CRS, hindi ko alam kung anong problema mo. bakit ka nagbreakdown sa sem na kailangan ko ng GEs. i just dont understand how you and your team works. sooooooooobrang bagal. it's not that i am putting pressure or expecting too much. i only mean to say that we deserve to have a better and more useful enlisting program.

akala ba ninyo na madaling humanap ng subjects, manually? is it not enough that regular students do not have priority? now, we, non-TriCol students, need to battle with the TriCol students for GEs offered by such colleges?

e, anak ng teteng naman oh. the enrollment process that i normally finish in two days would now take 3. your team, needs to get their act straight. i would really really be annoyed if i don't get all the subjects i need.

you know what? before this unfortunate event, i found two GEs that have a lot of slots left. and, these are GEs that i really need. so, i am really pissed off at you and your team.

i have forgiven you for the real-time enlistment last Summer 2007. but now, i do not know if i can trust you anymore.